Agency: DDB

Client: Heineken

In 2017, DDB New York won the social media business for Heineken brands USA which included Heineken, Dos Equis, Tecate and Strongbow. We were tasked by the global brand to freely iterate on innovative ideas to create what they called a “fresh take” on digital. In this case, digital was used in the very broad sense of meaning everything not traditional.

I was responsible for leading the internal technology feasibility study with the creative team’s and their ideas. We developed "Faces of Pride," printing LGBTQ icons on beer foam using food-safe malt ink printers. Planned for Pride month in iconic NYC gay bars, the event featured AR animations via Facebook’s Camera Effects, making the faces come alive on Heineken foam. Additionally, inspired by a WIRED article, we explored embedding famous soccer goals into beer using DNA sequencing. Despite groundbreaking ideas and research, the projects were shelved due to funding issues.

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We developed an innovative idea: printing on beer foam using Ripples' printers with food-safe malt ink. The creative team, Avery Young and Stephanie Macchione, came up with "Faces of Pride," celebrating LGBTQ icons. During Pride month, the brand would partner with iconic NYC gay bars for a week-long activation leading up to the NYC Pride parade, printing #FacesOfPride on Heineken foam. Unfortunately, the client pulled funding before we could launch.

Leveraging existing app technology, we envisioned users scanning their beers to activate AR animations via Facebook’s Camera Effects. This would bring the printed faces to life, offering tips and talking points for fresher conversations, all shareable on Facebook.

Inspired by a WIRED article, we explored embedding video footage of famous soccer goals into beer using DNA sequencing. We found this feasible: embedding binary code into brewer's yeast, brewing the beer, and ensuring the DNA transferred. I consulted with geneticists and Harvard's department referenced in the article, learning about CRISPR capabilities. We identified Twist Bioscience as a potential partner for the project.

Despite promising research and plans, Heineken USA couldn't secure funding from the global brand to align with upcoming FIFA partnerships, and the project was shelved.


I asked him to make something fairly impossible and gave him no room for compromise. He and his team figured out a way to do that.


McCann New York

He can be a real asset when amazing but complicated things need to get done.

Executive Creative

Serviceplan/Pereira O'Dell

Alexander had an impressive ability to explain complex ideas and functionality clearly & calmly.


Critical Mass

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Executive Creative & Technology Director
Global Director of Creative & Technology
Critical Mass
Head of Creative Technology
CTO, Innovation & Emerging Platforms
DDB North America

Any questions, comments, or general inquiries? You can also find me on LinkedIn.


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